Benefits of So Purkh Mantra

Recitation, Meaning & Lyrics

Benefits of So Purkh Mantra reveals the importance of this ancient mantra which was originally written by Guru Ram Das. This sacred mantra is recited eleven (11) times. Listen to the recitation on this page that includes the lyrics.

  • Dedicated to the 7th chakra the recited meditation found below is slow and fun, not intimidating.
  • A daily recitation and mantras/meditations from Kundalini Yoga.

It began working on my consciousness immediately the first time It was used. If you want to clear and clarify your thinking, with healing light and energy this mantra will do it instantaneously. Additionally, in clearing your energy you also invite blessings of love, money and more.

Benefits of So Purkh Mantra

  • Gives women the ability to help the men in her life.
  • Gives men the ability to help the woman in his life.
  • Deep healing between you and your partner allowing the clearing up of problems.
  • Induces a peaceful relationship with your partner.
  • Greatly improves your understanding of sacred sounds.
  • Helps the men in your life overcome barriers in communication with you.
  • Lifts your vibration.
  • Helps you attract positive godly partners.
  • Play while driving for cleansing your aura.

The So Purkh Mantra

Praying that the whole world try it, and if so, this will be a glorious place to live in. Every day your mind needs to be programmed, with instructions. This mantra will work. This So Purkh is included in the Sikh evening prayer. Additionally, it is taught that if recited eleven times per day by a woman, it will make her man a saint and dissolve any negativity between them. My purpose/intent is to gain positive outcomes in all areas of my life, and IT WORKS! 

This is a So Purkh Mantra Lyrics Included! Thank you Youtube for the opportunity to bless daily with this So Purkh Youtube video.

Facts of the So Purkh Lyrics

  • Consists of 4 Shabads
  • Is part of the main composition of Sikh holy Scripture
  • Is named Sri Guru Granth Sahib in the holy scripture of Sikh .

Do not give up.  It may be difficult at first.  However, the spirit guides are very forgiving and will bless you for your efforts.

  • The So Purkh is said 11 times in one day and for a total of 40 days.
  • Why is the sopurkh said 11 times?  The entire score is broken up into Shabads which is considered verses.  Similar to a song with verses.

You will be blessed!

SO PURKH Mantra Lyrics Included - recited 11 times

So Purkh Lyrics Translation in English

That Lord is Immaculate; the Lord God is Immaculate. The Lord is Unapproachable, Unfathomable and Incomparable. All meditate, all meditate on You, O Dear Lord, O True Creator. All beings are Yours; You are the Giver of all beings. So meditate on the Lord, O Saints; He is the One who takes away all pain. The Lord Himself is the Master, and He Himself is His own servant. O Nanak, how insignificant are mortal beings!

You are totally pervading within each and every heart; O Lord, You are the One Primal Being, All-permeating. Some are givers, and some are beggars; all of this is Your wondrous play! You Yourself are the Giver, and You Yourself are the Enjoy-er. I know of no other than You. You are the Supreme Lord God, Infinite and Eternal; what Glorious Praises of Yours should I speak and chant? Unto those who serve, unto those who serve You, slave Nanak is a sacrifice.

Those who meditate on the Lord, those who meditate on You, O Dear Lord, those humble beings dwell in peace in this world. They are liberated, they are liberated, who meditate on the Lord; the noose of Death is cut away from them. Those who meditate on the Fearless One, on the Fearless Lord, all their fears are dispelled. Those who have served, those who have served my Dear Lord, are absorbed into the Being of the Lord, Har, Har. Blessed are they, blessed are they, who have meditated on the Dear Lord; slave Nanak is a sacrifice to them.

Devotion to You, devotion to You, is a treasure, overflowing, infinite and endless. Your devotees, Your devotees praise You, O Dear Lord, in many and various ways. For You, so many, for You, so very many, O Dear Lord, perform worship and adoration; they practice penance and endlessly chant in meditation. For You, many – for You, so very many read the various Simritees and Shaastras; they perform religious rituals and the six ceremonies.

Those devotees, those devotees are good, O servant Nanak, who are pleasing to my Lord God.

You are the Primal Being, the Unrivaled Creator Lord; there is no other as Great as You. You are the One, age after age; forever and ever, You are One and the same. You are the Eternal, Unchanging Creator. Whatever pleases You comes to pass. Whatever You Yourself do, happens. You Yourself created the entire Universe, and having done so, You Yourself shall destroy it all. Servant Nanak sings the Glorious Praises of the Creator, the Know-er of all.


Everything you do and say is a prayer the energy is sent through the power of your vessel to spiritual guides and Omnipotent source energy. Know that Universal Consciousness and the spirits that help you are listening. Other related material can be found on the psychic spirit fairie channel for: so purkh mantra for love money meditation with lyrics and translation on youtube.  So Purkh Youtube Video (start again from the beginning)

SpiritFairie Whispers Youtube

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