Moon Goddess Hecate

Hecate | The Enigmatic Moon Goddess

Discover the power of Moon Goddess Hecate, guardian of the crossroads, and enhance your spiritual journey with her lunar wisdom and mystical protection.

Angel Metatron celestial merkaba symbol


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The concept of Metatron’s Merkaba has roots in ancient Egypt, closely linked with Egyptian cosmology and sacred texts from the 18th Dynasty. In Egyptology.  Metatron is sometimes associated with Thoth, the Egyptian god of wisdom, writing, and divine knowledge. Thoth, known as the scribe of the gods and the keeper of records. This parallels the role of Metatron as the celestial scribe in religious traditions like the Book of Enoch and Ezekiel’s visions. The Metatron Cube, often connected to sacred geometry, also reflects the influence of Thoth’s teachings on spiritual ascension and higher consciousness.

The Divine Power of Angel Metatron

Angel Metatron, a celestial being of immense wisdom, holds a unique place in spiritual realms. Known as the scribe of God, Metatron bridges the divine and human worlds, helping those who seek enlightenment. By invoking the presence of Metatron, you open yourself to his guidance and receive messages that illuminate your path. He is often associated with sacred geometry, especially the merkaba, a vehicle of spiritual transformation.

The Spiritual Role of Angel Metatron

Angel Metatron serves as a protector and teacher for those on their spiritual journey. Many believe that he is tasked with recording every action, thought, and feeling in the Akashic Records, the universe’s energetic database. His connection to the Tree of Life and sacred geometry gives him the power to assist in your spiritual ascension. By calling upon Angel Metatron, you can access deeper wisdom and insights that lead to profound transformation.

How to Connect with Angel Metatron

Connecting with Metatron requires an open heart and a willingness to receive divine guidance. Meditating on his sacred symbols, such as the merkaba, allows you to align with his energy. His presence is often felt as a warm, glowing light, bringing peace and clarity to those who seek his assistance. Whether through prayer, meditation, or visualization, inviting Angel Metatron into your life helps you tap into the higher realms of consciousness.

Featured image (top of page) is my tatoo, 2015.

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