Discover the spiritual practice of Blood Over Intent, a modern manifestation ritual that uses blood as a powerful symbol of intent. Learn how this unique ritual aligns personal goals with universal forces for deeper spiritual connection.

A mystical scene depicting the Blood Over Intent ritual, featuring a piece of parchment with written intent and a drop of blood on it, surrounded by candles and cosmic symbols. The image evokes a solemn and spiritual atmosphere, representing manifestation and personal intent.

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The Ritual of Blood Over Intent: An Exploration

Blood Over Intent (BOI) is a modern occult ritual practiced by individuals seeking to align their intentions with the universe and manifest their desires. It’s a relatively new concept, emerging in online spiritual communities, and is often described as a way to connect deeply with personal intentions and cosmic forces.

The Ritual Process

The ritual typically involves writing a statement of intent on paper, declaring a personal or spiritual goal. This statement might be a desire for personal transformation, world peace, or a more specific outcome. The practitioner then pricks their finger to draw a small amount of blood and places it on the paper as a symbol of commitment and energy exchange.

The idea behind using blood is that it represents life force—something deeply personal and powerful. In many ancient cultures, blood has been used in rituals as a means to make a vow or solidify an agreement, often seen as the ultimate offering. Blood Over Intent draws on this symbolism, suggesting that by offering a small portion of one’s life essence, the practitioner is showing the universe they are serious about their intent.

Sharing the Ritual

What makes BOI particularly unique in the modern world is the practice of sharing the ritual online. Many participants upload videos of their ritual process to platforms like YouTube as a way of amplifying their intent. The belief is that by sharing it publicly, they add more energy to their intent and join others in a collective consciousness striving toward similar goals.

Controversy and Misunderstandings

Blood Over Intent has sparked controversy, with some criticizing the ritual for being too extreme or even dangerous. Critics argue that while the ritual emphasizes personal power and intention, it may encourage harmful practices, especially among younger, impressionable individuals. Spiritual leaders often remind participants to fully understand the symbolic nature of such rituals and avoid any literal or extreme actions.

Final Thoughts

While Blood Over Intent is a highly personal practice, it resonates with many as a means of manifestation and spiritual alignment. Like any ritual, it’s important for individuals to approach it with respect, understanding, and awareness of its deeper significance.

Video Description

The Blood Over Intent Ritual in this video How blood uses magnetism and physics. Directions on how to use the blood over intent ritual. Purpose of using blood for making an intention. Blood sorcery. Blood over intent results and facts. Why is the intention written. Video: The Blood Over Intent Ritual