7 Awesome Reasons You Should Talk to Drinking Water

Looking for answers? Your drinking water is trying to tell you something. Water has been proven to be a liquid computer and you probably didn’t know its listening. The water inside your body is listening to your thoughts, and waiting for your command. Tell water what you desire for your body and it will listen.  When taking a closer look at water we learn that it also teaches us how to think clearly.  Consciousness is all around us.  Water is one more way to unlock the power of super consciousness.


Throughout this water series we are going to discuss the following about your drinking water:

Hey, we could not go over all of that in one sitting so this is going to be a 2 part series. At the end of the series, you receive a free bonus visualization to help with water manifestation, and all visualizations are direct from GHJR the ultimate spirit guide.

Talking to Drinking Water

Talking to your drinking water helps the learning process between you and your body:

    • Helps you think clearly
    • Helps the listening process and the ability to go with the flow and grow 

Words are real and each word we speak over our water brings clarity to all parts of our bodies. When we start talking to our water, we will soon see that our water will start talking back.  We’ll get back to that later. Importantly, we must talk to our drinking water. Drinking water conforms to the ideas and words impressed upon it. Elements within our body working in cooperation with our spoken word are essential to win this time both physically and spirituality. Drinking water everyday that has your energy impressed upon it is an element that will help you win.

Bruce Lee:  Movie clip

Water Is a Liquid Computer With a Memory

You may have heard of the water experiments.   The fact that water is a liquid computer getting energy from us was proven.  Here is how it happened. A water experiment where words were said over the water was performed. The energy pattern changed according to the vibration of the words directed over the water.

Water is an element that cooperates. These and some other word over water experiments have proven the facts.  Talking to your drinking water changes how it behaves.

We Can Learn from Water

When we talk to our drinking water, we change its behavior within us. Drinking water helps and can expand many physical, health and spiritual benefits within.

Water is an element that cooperates:  Many water experiments have proven that talking to water changes how it behaves.

So how does this help you?  Well it proves that speaking to water clarifies thought perception:30 Try speaking into your water.  Get a magnifying glass.  In addition, test the patterns and designs that your words spoken into the water create. This will give you the ability to see which thoughts create beautiful patterns, and which thoughts
create chaotic patterns.  Your water will provide you with a map to choose the most beneficial words for your life experience.

Water is Spiritual

Water is proof that the spiritual realm is real.  Another thing to be loved about water is that it provides proof that the spiritual realm is real. Talking to your drinking water everyday will bring great effects to your body, that were not gained alone or by itself.  The response we get from our drinking water, proves that the spiritual realm is real.  After all, was it you that created the waters response?  No, it was the energy impressed upon it.   Hopefully, you will be the entity that energizes your own drinking water.  The energy provided by the great universal creator gives you the opportunity to create any desired result you want.  The water within you provides an experience; based on the energy you give it.

We all have magnetic energy within our bodies. Prana Shakti is electromagnetic energy in your body.

  • Prana means:  Life force
  • Shakti is:  power or energy

Prana Shakti is a Sanskrit name.

A reminder that water listens to us, and simplicity brings answers. Much like water we must flow, ebb and bend with the earth to make spiritual changes.    I hope this information helped someone.  Talk to your water, and drink your water from a copper vessel. Be blessed at all times.

Water is your friend.

A lot of my videos include free visualizations and manifestations that can be found by clicking the link in the description box. Usually a video is created for every page on my website. Most times every written word from the post cannot be included in the video.  There are quite a few bonuses that come with this water series.  I try to give free visualizations, and or decrees/prayers from my personal spiritual guide with every video. So, as promised see the description box and click the links for the free water visualization meditations direct from my spirit guide. Also, get free daily water regimen, and free apps to keep you on track with your water consumption.
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